Patients who find a cure through western medicines find it difficult to tilt towards a holistic approach to treatment. In addition, there are those patients who require critical care and counseling post-recovery from an illness or injury. This is where Holistic therapy comes in.
What is Holistic Therapy?
Holistic therapy is the process of treating patients in a comprehensive manner. It addresses illnesses with an approach that focuses both on the mind and body. In other words, Holistic therapy cures patients physically and mentally. This form of therapy studies the emotional state of the patient, his mind, and reactions to specific situations, history of stress and anxiety, and response to care.
In other words, Holistic therapy delves deeper into the root cause of the problem. For instance, a person with severe recurrent headaches may approach a therapist who uses holistic methods to explore possibilities of an emotional source for the pain. Therefore, what the therapist will look for is whether the reason for the pain is stress and anxiety. In addition, he will also explore if there is a history of that is the cause of pain.
Finally, in layman’s terms, Holistic therapy treats patients with counseling and communication. It does not require the consumption of medication in any form. At best, a Holistic therapist may recommend emotionally and psychologically boosting complementary diet and activities. In other words, this form of therapy and treatment complements allopathic and other streams of treatment.
The one-word answer to the question ‘Is Holistic therapy a replacement for western forms of medicine’ is No. At best holistic therapists use techniques that complement western medication. In other words, while patients may continue to be treated with the required dosage of allopathic pills and syrups, a holistic therapist will study the behavioral patterns and address stress symptoms and triggers.
Finally, Holistic therapy, unlike western medicine, does not require taking any treatment in physical form. In other words, it does not treat by consuming the prescribed quota of medication over a period of time. Holistic therapy is more about counseling the patient. It complements the treatment by western medication by therapies that treat the root of the symptoms of the ailment.
Advantages of Holistic Therapy
Holistic therapy takes a broad approach to sickness. It encompasses a varied psychological treatment by looking beyond the physical symptoms. While western medication or any other form of treatment requires consuming artificially produced pills, holistic therapy has only one way to treat the patient psychologically. In other words, it counsels patients to go deeper into the problem, beyond the obvious symptoms. Therefore, this form of treatment is based on trust that transcends mere faith in prescriptions. It demands complete trust between the patient and the therapist. Therefore, Holistic therapy requires patients to share personal secrets, uncomfortable life experiences, and emotional stresses. In return, it demands the therapist to be the keeper of such secrets. In other words, there must be mutual trust and respect beyond definition.