Ten Tips to Keeping Your Brain Healthy and Sharp

3 min read

As a child grows into a young adult, their brain progressively develops – not just physically but mentally as well. It becomes filled with a wealth of new information and knowledge that collects and sorts itself out with the passing of time. However, as we age and gain more and more memories, the human brain begins slowly decline. As such, it becomes important to pay attention to the little things that will help our brains stay healthy and sharp for as long as we can help them do so. Here’s a list of ten tips that will help you keep your brain healthy and sharp throughout the years.

1. Cognitive Stimulation. A lack of stimulation steadily increases the rate in which the brain declines. As such, it becomes vital that you keep the brain properly stimulated with cognitive goals. This can be done in a lot of different ways, like taking extra classes at your local college, learning a new language, or picking up a hobby like woodworking or painting.

You can also develop habits that include stimulating the two separate sides of the brain. Half of the brain would prefer mathematical practices while the other would prefer something more artistic like drawing or learning music. Either way, the effort required to finish such tasks should keep the brain active and sharp.

2. Relax. They may seem like a simple solution, but staying mentally, emotionally, and physically relaxed can literally add years to your life! Stress can lead to tons of health problems such as depression, dementia, and heart disease. It can also make your brain activity decline even faster. Take proper care of your emotional and mental stability so that your brain can remain sharp at all times. This includes deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, or even a short nap every now and again.

3. Avoid Injuries. Another straightforward solution is to keep yourself safe from unnecessarily injuring your cranial area. Cognitive impairment has been shown to activate even after the mildest of injuries to the head. Remember to always wear a helmet when biking!

4. Make Friends. Humans are naturally social creatures and making friends and keeping social ties an important part of your life can lower the risk of dementia and cognitive decline later in your life.

5. Exercise. People who exercise regularly have been shown to have better cognitive functions than those who do not. Exercise and its effects on the brain can make it easier to get the mind the required nutrients that it needs to function properly.

6. Improve your diet. A good diet leads to healthier living. A lot of foods and herbs can be consumed to help improve the way in which the brain functions cognitively. These are called nootropics. For example, green tea is an all-natural way of boosting the ways in which you think. It keeps you alert and focused without the drowsy after effects that coffee can have.

7. Blood Pressure. Having abnormally high-blood pressure has been shown to increase the rate in which the mind declines as we age. As such, it’s important to keep track of our blood pressure and keep things balanced.

8. Watch your Blood Sugar. Another risk of mental declination is abnormal levels of blood sugar. Specifically, people who have diabetes are known to have greater risk for dementia.

9. Avoid Alcohol. Alcohol is fine in moderation, however, too much of it has also been said to increase the risk of dementia.

10. Avoid Tobacco. Another thing to avoid is tobacco. In the end, you’re able to remain a lot healthier by keeping yourself far away from cigarettes and chewing tobacco.

Mae Cooper

Daisy Mae Cooper: Daisy, a yoga instructor, provides yoga routines, tips for mindfulness, and strategies to bring more peace and balance into everyday life.

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